Any dental surgery involves a lot of questions in the patient’s mind. The patient is already scared of any dental procedure. If you know what are the things you should do or you should not do any dental surgery will make one have relief faster and heal better. The cost of dental implants in Mumbai is high, but any surgery involves a lot of infection control and meticulous skills. Co-operation from the patient to follow the instructions is one factor that makes any dental surgery like dental implant therapy or wisdom tooth extraction flap surgery or any other cosmetic treatment successful. Taking tooth extraction aftercare can provide you relief from extreme pain and help you heal properly.
What are the things to avoid after tooth extraction? What are the methods to follow for dental implant maintenance?
Instructions to be followed after dental surgery: tooth extraction?
- Do not spit: the patient is advised not to spit for 24 hours. Any fluid/ saliva in the mouth should be swallowed.
- Hold the gauze placed for at least 45 mins: the gauze placed at the surgical site is to be held under pressure in the affected area for at least 30-45 mins to control the bleeding by clot formation. After that gently push the gauze with the tongue and throw it in the dustbin.
- Keep the mouth clean: The affected area is not to be disturbed for 24 hours, but other than that other areas should be regularly brushed and cleaned. Mouth rinses are to be used as advised by the doctor. Take care not to spit forcefully. One can use drinking water to wash so that it can be swallowed. Also, rinses can be slowly allowed to drain from the mouth and no force should be put. Do not allow any food to accumulate at the site.
- Medications: Antibiotics and painkillers should be taken regularly as directed by the dentist. Any problems that occur due to the medicines should be notified to the dentist immediately.
- Swelling: swelling or bruises might be there starting sometimes after a day or two. Only a cold compress from the outside can be used to reduce the swelling. This should also be done intermittently for 10 mins. The swelling shall resolve in a week.
- Stitches: stitches are put to secure the surgical area. Stitches can attract food to get stuck. Keep the area clean. Visit the dentist for stitch removal after 7 days. Sometimes a self-dissolvable stitch is given. This may take more time to dissolve.
- Warm salt rinses: warm water with a pinch of salt should be used to rinse the affected area 3 -4 times daily after 24 hours. Continue this habit for at least 10 days to aid in the healing of the gums.
- Consult the dentist: any doubts or complications should be communicated to the dentist urgently. Any advice from the dentist should be followed precisely.
- Sleep: try sleeping propped up or straight on the back. Avoid sleeping on the side where surgery has been done. Some blood might drain on the pillow when getting up, it’s normal do not worry.
- Exercise: avoid any strenuous exercise for at least 48 hours. Some jaw exercises might be advised by the doctor. Continue doing that to avoid jaw locking.
- Food: avoid any hard or spicy food for at least 24 hours. Cold food or drink can aid in blood clotting. Avoid soft drinks or any soda. Avoid using straw as it may dislodge the clot formed due to negative pressure. Avoid any food which might get stuck in the affected area like seeds.
Why choose Procare Dental?
Procare Dental offers the latest available technology and expertise to patients. With every field being looked after by the specialist, we ensure that the surgical or non-surgical procedure is carried out with utmost care. Dr. Pratik Chheda is one of the best dental implant surgeons in Mumbai, also the proprietor of Procare dental, who understands the need to provide the best to the patients and hence ensures that everyone who enters can smile confidently and bite comfortably. We provide you with the best dental implants by the in-house facility from start to end i.e. From diagnostic scans to the final tooth in place. Not only that, we ensure you get reminders for your scheduled appointments and the maintenance phase to achieve longevity for the treatment.
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