Maxillofacial prosthetics is a branch of prosthodontics in dentistry. Its main aim is to restore the function & aesthetics of individuals.
Procare Dental Clinic in Mulund also have experts in the field of Maxillofacial Prostheses, a lesser known field of dentistry, where we help restore lost parts of the face such as the eye, ear, nose, palate, finger, toe etc. These path-breaking substitutes to the original organs will ensure you a natural looking replacement post surgery.
Facial Prosthesis treatment in Mumbai: Substitutes to the original organs (Ocular, Orbital, Nasal, Ear, Finger)
These defects generally occur due to trauma. Such patients often have an aesthetic problem where they feel socially awkward . We, at Procare dental clinic in Mumbai, with two Prosthodontists at your service, provide various economical options to regain that confidence by replacing that missing area with something as similar to the lost part as possible. For example the achievement by individualizing the eye or the missing part of the eye so that it appears to be the original eye.
Obturator maxillofacial prosthesis treatment in Mumbai
Any defect in the maxillary or the mandible due to the removal of part or the whole jaw bones due to the cancer leads to a number of difficulties. They may have the nasal twang hampering their speech or the connection between the mouth and nose opened up leading to the food or the water leaking into the nose becoming a social barrier as they lead to unaesthetic appearance.
To overcome these problems, Procare; the best dental clinic in Mumbai specializes in providing an acrylic plate with teeth to cover up the defect. This plate also known as obturators help in eating, talking and appearance as well. Amongst the best dentists in Mumbai, prosthodontists are specialised in this field and here we have two of the specialists looking after you.
Maxillofacial prostheses restore several types of orofacial defects as well as improve the patient’s quality of life.